
We would like to recommend you the following links:

Carbon market

  • Sandbag: a UK based not-for-profit campaigning organisation dedicated to achieving real action to
    tackle climate change and focused on the issue of emissions trading.  Our view is that if emissions
    trading can be implemented correctly, it has the potential to help deliver the deep cuts in carbon
    emissions the world so badly needs to prevent the worst impacts of climate change
    Through producing rigorous but accessible analysis we aim to make emissions trading more
    transparent and understandable to a wider audience than those already involved in the market. In
    particular, we hope to shed light on the challenges the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) faces
    in becoming a truly effective system for cutting emissions and to advocate the solutions that can
    help it to work better.
  • Climate Connect: provides news, information, analysis, data  and knowledge support to companies interested in clean technology, renewable energy, carbon markets and climate change in general.
  • Carbon Positive:

Kyoto Protocol & CDM

Non-Annex 1 DNA