Performance tests & monitoring

Plant Performance Monitoring answers your needs at various stage of your project life cycle:

  • During commissioning (performance guarantees test): a crucial step consists of verifying the guarantees provided by the supplier(s) in order to accept the equipment or eventually determine liquidited damages if any. In agreement with all parties, we develop rigorous test protocols based on the supply contracts requiremments and internationally recognised standards (ISO, BS, DIN, EN, JIS, etc.). Our wide experience with commercial and legal matters allow us to develp a 'fair' approach throughout the tests.
  • Throughout the operationnal lifetime of the project: being for optimization purpose, reporting to management/ shareholders or as part of a due diligence exercise, continuous third party monitoring allows an objective review of the technical and economical performances of your plant. On a quarterly basis (or shorter), we provide you with a detailed report of the key performance parameters, non-conformities and recommendations toto achieve 'best performance' operation.

KYOTOenergy monitors a large diversified portfolio of renewable energy projects (>40) including biomass boilers, cogeneration, biogas engines, hydropower & geothermal plants and wind turbines.

Instrumentation playing a central role in monitoring performances, our engineers master this field of engineering and can recommend you the best balance to strike (cost versus uncertainty) and advice you on the equipment selection, calibration, location, data management and other practical issues.